Holy Trinity

Church Of England VA School

01706 378061

Partner School

Our Core Values - Trust, Courage, Forgiveness, Truthfulness, Generosity, Respect, Responsibility.

Holy Trinity CE Primary School

Charging & Remissions Policy

September 2021



All education during school hours is free e.g. books, equipment and tutor teaching.



Currently the Governors do their utmost to subsidise trips and school events.  The school does it’s best to ensure that trips / events / residentials are good value for money and costs are kept to a minimum.  The school will not make any profit from activities.

Many activities e.g. after school sports are paid for by the school so that cost does not deter children from attending.

  • The school does not charge helpers / parents / staff who supervise visits.
  • Money for visits etc. is not refundable unless the trip is cancelled.
  • Money for coaches etc. is not refundable as these are paid in advance.  If the cost of the trip includes a charge for entrance to an event, then this part may be refunded.  Bus fare can also be refunded.


The following is a sample list of additional activities organised by school, which require contributions from parents: This list is not exhaustive.

  • Visits to museums
  • Transport expenses to various events even though there may be no entrance charge
  • Musical events
  • Residential visits
  • Sporting activities
  • Outdoor adventure activities
  • Visits to or by a theater group
  • School trips


Some events are totally free because of full subsidy.


The Governors may ask parents for voluntary contributions towards the cost of school activities.  Such requests will always be made in advance of the proposed activity and will be genuinely voluntary.  Pupils at the school will not be treated differently according to whether or not their parents have made any contribution in response to the request.


The Governors wish to make it clear that activities for which voluntary contributions are sought will not take place unless there are sufficient contributions made.


Parents who are in receipt of certain benefits (Income support etc) may be exempt from some charges and voluntary contributions – parents are encouraged to speak to the Headteacher to discuss individual circumstances.


On-Line Payments


All items paid for via the school’s on-line payment method are charged a 1.29% fee.  This is to help to cover the charges made to school via the on-line company for use of credit/debit cards to pay for goods. 


Music Tuition


All children receive some form of music tuition in school.  There are opportunities for children to have music lessons by peripatetic teachers from Rochdale Music Service and Wardle Academy which are voluntary and paid for by parents.




The school organise lessons during school hours for a KS2 year group.  The school pays for all the swimming lessons and costs of transporting the children to the baths on a coach or by train.  A voluntary contribution of £1 per week is asked for transport for extra swimming lessons beyond the standard curriculum requirements.


Charging In Kind


The Governing Body may charge for or require the supply of ingredients and materials if parents have indicated in advance a wish to own the finished product, for example an item made during technology or art lessons.




All deliberate vandalism caused by children and adults must be paid for.  Breakages i.e. rulers / pencils can be simply replaced for a 50p charge.  All lost reading / library books are to be paid for at a cost of £2.50.


September 2021