Holy Trinity

Church Of England VA School

01706 378061

Partner School

Our Core Values - Trust, Courage, Forgiveness, Truthfulness, Generosity, Respect, Responsibility.






Autumn 2  Toys Old and New

This term in our English lessons will be focusing on a range of ORT books linked to ability of children looking at images from books read in English lessons. The children will use DIAL activities to introduce literal and deduction skills. This terms books will be focusing on titles like: Lost in the Toy Museum, Toys in Space and Genesis The Old Testament. The children will be learning skills using story sequencing, character descriptions and narrative. Another character that will be introduced will be Buddy the Elf as well as character description the children will be writing an elf diary about the antics Buddy gets up to in the classroom. Lastly the children will be writing a letter to Santa.


Our Math's lessons will be focusing firstly on Time, Months and Days of the week the children will be using a range of verbal, sorting, cutting and recall skills using concrete resources that will concentrate on the following titles:

 *Place Value

 *Addition using concrete resources

 *Subtraction using concrete resources

 *Shape – 2D shapes

 *Doubling and halving


Science is going to focus on Seasonal Changes. The children are going to observe how weather changes in Autumn and compare how weather changes in Winter. They will look at how animals can survive in winter.  This term consists of science day where we look at how change happens with seeds (cress) , plants (using coloured water) The children will learn a range or new vocabulary like the word dense through making a lava lamp with a range of products showing density through liquids and have the opportunity to make one at home with their adult.


Our class topic this term is all about Toys the children are going to sort out pictures into year timelines and draw pictures of their toys and toys they would like. They will discuss and bring in their Teddy Bear and discuss questions like, What are our toys like? What were our toys like 5 years ago? What were our parents’ and grandparents’ toys like? What toys did the Victorians play with? What moving toys did children play with long ago? What playground games used did children used to play? and How are toys the same or different? If you would like to have a conversation at home about your toys or possibly show the children them if you still have them I’m sure they would love to tell us all about it in school.

In RE The children are going to look at Incarnation and how God the Father God the son and God the Holy Spirit is formed considering the different forms he comes in. We are going to look at forgiveness, Peace and Generosity.


In the ICT, lessons this term the children will be using IT equipment by Presenting text Software (browser based) by Creating media and digital writing. The children will use a computer to create and manipulate text, including using a keyboard and mouse to enter and remove text and how to change the look of text. Using other (touch typing practice).


PHSE- this term the children are going to learn (Don’t forget to let love in!) they will do this by using a love map and talk time looking at Truth or lies, Would you rather, Thankful tree, Looking after me, Don’t forget to let love in! Reflection.


Art is going to look at different artists and how they use lines, shape and colour. Moving onto natural sculptures using objects from the local area. The children will be bringing in their favorite teddy and draw a portrait of this teddy. We will be making Christmas cards/calendar/decorations. They will do this by using a range of resources to enhance their creative flair.

This Music unit develops children's ability to identify different sounds and to change and use sounds expressively in response to a stimulus. During this unit, children make a variety of sounds with them exploring sounds. This unit develops children's ability to identify different sounds and to change and use sounds expressively in response to a stimulus.  

This terms Physical Education will encourage the children to be learning how to control a ball with hand and eye coordination, working with a set of skills as a team to build up resilience stamina and control.


Check out some of our topic knowledge organisers here:


Year 1 Reading Journey

Want to learn more about the books we have enjoyed so far this year and the books we will read this half term? Take a look at our Year 1 Reading Journey: