Holy Trinity

Church Of England VA School

01706 378061

Partner School

Our Core Values - Trust, Courage, Forgiveness, Truthfulness, Generosity, Respect, Responsibility.



What is going on in Year 1 - this half term, our topic is: Our Community

Over the course of the school year, we will be adding some useful information to this page. You can find all the information you need, below, regarding our current learning within school this term and it may also include some handy tips and tricks to help your child at home or may be some useful websites for learning, related to our topics in class. 

In Literacy we will be starting the year off by talking about our summer holidays and then moving onto reading well known stories by Julia Donaldson. We will be developing our handwriting, learning when and how to use capital letters and full stops correctly. We will also be looking at identifying and using adjectives in our writing.


Reading books will be changed twice a week. Children have been split into four groups. Red/Green will have their books changed on a Monday and Thursday and Yellow/Blue on a Wednesday and a Friday. To ensure your child's book is changed when needed, please remember to record all reading in the blue reading diary. If your child's book is not in school on their allocation change day, unfortunately we are unable to change them at another time. 

Year 1 staff will also be reading with your child in school several times a week. We will focus on school reading books during 1:1 reading sessions, but we will also listen to your child reading in group guided reading sessions, in whole class phonics lessons or in whole class literacy lessons.

It is really important that your child reads at home as much as they can – these books do not have to be the school reading book.


At Holy Trinity, we follow the Twinkl Phonics Scheme, which has been approved by the DfE as a validated scheme. 

We will begin the year by recapping Phase 2, 3 and 4 before moving onto Phase 5. We will be reading a mixture of real and nonsense (alien) words in preparation for the Phonics Screening Check which takes place in the second week of June 2025. 

 Spellings and Homework

Spellings will be sent home on a Monday to be practised at home in preparation for a test on Friday. Please help your child to learn these.

 Homework will be sent home on a Friday to be handed in by Wednesday of the following week.  Homework will alternate between learning logs and English/maths homework. English and maths will focus on the week's learning and learning logs will have a focus around our topics or any special events which may be happening within our community or nationally.


Our RE topic this term is God and Creation. The aim of this topic is; - to give children the opportunity to develop their perceptions and understanding of God.

-provide an opportunity for reflection on feelings of awe, wonder, delight and mystery in relation to the natural world.


Our Christian Value this term is Trust We will be exploring at how we can be a good friend and the importance of friendship.



Our topic this half term is Our Community. We will be exploring our local area and investigating what the community has to offer. We will be going on walks to discover Littleborough at first hand. We will also be looking at the different types of buildings and houses and learning our address.


In science we will be leaning about plants and what they need to survive. We will be exploring the different parts of a plant and their jobs. We will also be learning about different types of trees and how they change according to the season.

PSHE – Get Heartsmart

This half-term we will be learning about the choices we make which can help or hurt our hearts and begin to understand our emotions. We will also be thinking of reasons why we are grateful for others.


Year 1 Reading Journey

Want to learn more about the books we have enjoyed so far this year and the books we will read this half term? Take a look at our Year 1 Reading Journey: