At Holy Trinity we have a broad and balanced curriculum, rich in knowledge and creativity. Our intention is that we succeed in offering a curriculum for music which delivers the requirements of The National Curriculum for Music which aims to ensure that all pupils:
- Perform, listen to and evaluate a comprehensive range of music
- Sing, create and compose music
- Understand how music is created, produced and communicated with ongoing emphasis on the inter-related dimensions of music: pitch, duration, dynamics, tempo, timbre, texture, structure and appropriate musical notations
Through the teaching of music at Holy Trinity we want children to have a varied, progressive and well-planned musical experience based on the National Curriculum objectives.
Through varied and comprehensive musical experiences, we intend that music will “engage and inspire pupils to develop a love of music and their talent as musicians, and so increase their self-confidence, creativity and sense of achievement.” (National Curriculum DFE)
- We want them to develop a curiosity of different musical styles and value music from other periods of time, culture and countries.
- Pupils will become confident in performing, both in singing and using a range of instruments. They will be given the opportunity to appreciate recorded and live performances by their peers and musicians.
- Children will take part in class and whole school performances and productions.
Love all things musical? Check out these websites:
- the document below outlines how we teach Music across school in a little more detail:
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music-impact-statement Up.docx | Download |
Policy and Progression Of Skills
Curriculum Overview
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Music Curriculum.2024-2025.docx | Download |
British Values In Music
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British Values in Music.docx | Download |
School Music Development Plan 2024 - 2025
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School_music_development_plan_summary.pdf | Download |
2024 - 2025
Over the last few weeks Year 3 have been working hard on their music topic about the Romans…
Years 5 and 6 had a fantastic time at Young Voices 2025.
There was plenty of singing, dancing and cheering!
Take a look…
And have a listen…
Our fuchsia pink beanie hats made us easy to spot. We certainly got a lot of compliments!
Music With Year 6…
Take a look at Year 6’s versions of
’Loopy Weather’ …
Year 5 have been exploring
Rhythm and Pulse.
Take a look at their dances…
Huge congratulations to our first group of winners of the
Excellent Musician Awards
Year 2 have already made a great start learning how to ‘read’ music and play the glockenspiel. Have a listen to ‘Traffic Jam’ …
Year 3 have started their music topic on ‘Exploring Descriptive Sounds’.
Take a look at their animal hastas …
Young Voices 2025
Choir numbers submitted, tickets and T-shirts ordered. Now the hard work begins for
Years 5 and 6!
Brilliant news to start the new academic year - our incredible drummer, Gene, has been awarded merit for his Grade V exam!!
Musical Highlights
2023 - 2024
2023 - 2024 ...
Well done to Year 3 who have been working on the pentatonic scale and playing drones …
Have a listen to some of the radio jingles that Year 3 have done as part of their work on arrangements …
Year 2 have done a great job of playing
‘Traffic Lights’ …
Year 1 have been working on pitch. Have a listen to their superb playing of ‘Hot Cross Buns’ …
Rochdale Music Festival 2024
- pictures and footage on the Peripatetic Music page.
Another successful glockenspiel session with Year 2
Year 3 have been
Exploring Arrangements.
They have been doing a lot of work on body percussion for the steady beat and playing different ostinatos to accompany a song…
Year 2 are doing a super job with their glockenspiel playing…
Year 1 have been exploring pitch.
Have a listen to their amazing performance…
A huge round of applause for our amazing drummer … Gene!!
Gene (who’s only 9) has just passed his Grade lV with merit. We are all so proud of him.
Congratulations to the winners of the
Excellent Musician Awards
for Spring Term 2 …
Year 2 have been busy building up rhythm layers based on some of the words from the song,
‘Jack Went To Market’ …
And now the song …
As part of their music work based on the Romans, Year 3 have recreated some Iron Age sounds…
Year 3 have done an amazing job learning to play the song, ‘Signals’ …
Year 4 have been working really hard learning
The Skye Boat Song
The children have worked in groups creating storm sound effects for the song …
They then combined the sound effects with the tune …
Year 4’s group compositions based on a scale…
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As part of their work on the Romans, Year 3 proudly present …
English National Opera Update …
We are delighted to let you know that your Finish This… submission Purple, Purple, Purple! by Year 4 has been chosen to be made into an animation. Our team listened to all of the submissions and made a shortlist of our favourites and then Omar Shahryar, composer of Blue, Red, Yellow had the difficult job of making the final decision on which 15 pieces should be put forward to be animated.
Omar provided the following feedback to share with your class:
the performance is wonderfully passionate, while the composition has interesting layering which gives the whole thing complexity and originality!
Omar's message ...
Year 4's Composition ...
Our sensational winners of the
Excellent Musician Awards
for Spring 1 …
Well done Year 2 for some super
glockenspiel playing!
This term Year 4 have been exploring Melodies and Scales, as well as developing their ability to play ‘by ear’. Have a listen to their music…
Years 5 & 6 had an incredible time at the
Young Voices Concert.
All of the hard work learning the songs and dance routines was definitely worth it!
Our fantastic musicians who received their
Excellent Musician Awards
for Autumn 2 ...
A massive thank you to the recorder players who accompanied the Christmas carols in our service in church - you were amazing!
Year 4 have now completed their composition for the English National Opera. We will wait to see what the ENO think when the music is submitted in January.
In the meantime have a preview of the piece: 'Purple, Purple, PURPLE!' ...
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Year 3 have been working hard on
rhythmic patterns.
They have written their own lines to a poem and then performed them, adding a steady beat and rhythm pattern, as well as using the glockenspiels for a tune and a drone. Have a listen…
All of the hard work and preparation definitely paid off when Key Stage 1 performed their Christmas Nativity - 'Donkey For Sale'.
Amazing acting from EYFS
Perfect percussion playing from Year 1
Dedication to the learning of lines and confident narration from Year 2
Superb singing from all of the classes!
Lots of actions and dances from the children (and staff) in Years 1 & 2 in one of our last music lessons for the term.
A very productive session with Year 4.
Another step closer to completing our work for the English National Opera.
Year 3 have been working on rhythmic patterns this term.
Have a listen to the gifts they would send to a new planet for the people living there…
Year 4 have made a good start to their composition work for the English National Opera!
Year 1 enjoying this robot song …
Congratulations to our first group of the year to receive their
Excellent Musician Awards!
Year 4 have received their composer lanyards and are feeling excited about starting their composition work for the
English National Opera!
This term Year 6 have been working on rounds. They have done a lot of work on playing chords.
Take a look at their version of ‘Relay Race’, performed as a round in four parts and accompanied with chords and drones.
As part of their work on rhythm and pulse,
Year 5 have been listening to lots traditional drumming from Africa. Have a listen to some of their group performances and have a look at their movement and dance work …
Year 4 have been working very hard on notating different rhythm patterns and then performing in a group. Have a listen to some of their performances …
Have a listen to Year 4’s ‘Clean Up’ Rap
Year 3 have been very busy exploring descriptive sounds this term, listening to lots of music and singing songs about animals.
Take a look at the animal hastas they have added to some Indian music …
Year 2 have made a great start to their work on rhythm and pulse …
Musical Highlights
2022 - 2023
As promised, the winner of the award for drums…
Our Summer Term 2 winners of the
Excellent Musician Awards -
two string players, a brass and recorder player and a clarinet player
(the picture of our drummer will follow in September)
The children in Key Stage 1 had an amazing afternoon at the
‘Animal Magic’ Concert,
performed by the Halle Orchestra,
at the Bridgewater Hall
Here are some snippets of the music…
Summer Term 1’s
worthy recipients of the
Excellent Musician Awards
The children in Year 3 have been
'Exploring Arrangements'.
Have a listen to one group’s arrangement…
Year 1 have been working hard on
'Pulse And Rhythm'.
We hope you enjoy their singing.
Year 4 have made a fabulous start to their musical work based on the 'Heroes Of Troy'.
Have a listen to the first song about Helen’s love for Paris …
These amazing musicians have received their
Excellent Musician Awards
for Spring 2
As part of their work on the Tudors, Year 5 did some fantastic singing and dancing.
Here is their rendition of ‘Greensleeves’.
We had a very successful time at the
Rochdale Music Festival 2023.
Please visit 'Extra Curricular - Choir and Peripatetic Music'
for pictures and recordings
The worthy recipients of the
Excellent Musician Awards
for Spring Term 1
Years 5 and 6 (and staff)
had an amazing time at the
Young Voices Concert, 2023.
It was definitely worth all the practising - and the late night!
Year 5's 'Our Pink World' composition was chosen to be animated by the
English National Opera ...
Year 5 deserve to feel proud of the certificates they have received from the ENO.
Year 2 have made a great start with the musical activities linked to the story of
‘Jack And The Beanstalk’.
Have a listen to one of their enthusiastic performances…
Year 1 are thoroughly enjoying their topic on
'The Great Fire Of London'.
In their music lessons the children have been practising ‘London’s Burning’ as a round.
Very well done to our second group of recipients of the
Excellent Musician Awards…
A FANTASTIC performance of
‘The Smallest Angel’
from Key Stage 1.
As part of their work 'Exploring Sound Sources',
Year 6 are certainly being very creative about the weather!
Year 5 have now completed their work for the
English National Opera
Have a listen to:'Our Pink World'
Practice really does make perfect!
Well done to our first group of children awarded their Excellent Musician Awards for working very hard when doing the: drums, guitar, recorder, flute and cornet.
Year 5 were thrilled to receive their composer lanyards from the English National Opera as they begin their work on ...
Take a look at their performances ...
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Year 4 have been 'Exploring Rhythmic Patterns' and then notating them ...Enter text...
Year 3 have been doing some super work during their first music topic of the year.
Year 2 singing and adding actions as part of their music work on the 'Duration Of Sounds' ...
This half term Year 1 have been 'Exploring Sounds' in their music lessons.
They have listened to and joined in with The Wheels On The Bus.
Miss Hartley kindly showed us how to sign the song. Take a look ...
Musical Highlights
2021 - 2022
As part of their topic on the Ancient Greeks, Year 4 have learnt a variety of songs which tell the story of The Wooden Horse Of Troy. Have a listen to 'Destruction', one of their favourite songs ...
Year 2's visit to The Bridgewater Hall
to watch, listen to and sing along with
the fabulous Halle Orchestra
Children and staff had an amazing time at the Young Voices Concert on May 25th
As part of their composition work Year 6 worked in groups creating:
'Variations On A Theme For The James Bond Theme Tune' ...
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As part of their topic on Exploring Signals
Year 4 definitely had great fun performing this ...
Year 2 have been focusing on the story of
Jack And The Beanstalk
in their music lessons. They have learnt lots of songs and done many musical activities which tell the story.
Take a look at one of their favourite songs …
Year 3 have been doing a variety of musical activities based on their topic on the Romans.
As part of a song about Boudica, the children had to recreate some Iron Age sounds using the percussion instruments. They then created and performed from graphic scores.
Take a look at their performances …
Another great performance about Roman 'life' from Year 3
Year 5 have been working on rounds.
Take a look at their enthusiastic performances…
Year 6’s Compositions …
Year 3’s Grand Performance ...
Exploring Rhythmic Patterns. Year 3's Space Shuttle Rap ...
Year 4's Performances ...
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Year 5's Performances ...
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Year 6's Grand Performance ...
Rochdale Music Festival 2021
Check out our wonderful performances at the 2021 virtual Rochdale Music Festival. Well done to all our performers!