Holy Trinity

Church Of England VA School

01706 378061

Partner School

Our Core Values - Trust, Courage, Forgiveness, Truthfulness, Generosity, Respect, Responsibility.

Dear Parents and Friends,

Thank you for your interest in Holy Trinity CE VA Primary School. I am very proud of our learning community and all the children and staff who constitute our happy school. This pride is reflected in our high academic and behavioral standards and in our relationship with our local village community and other organisations and partnerships.

As Head Teacher I am committed to ensuring that your child gets the best possible education and educational opportunities and experiences at school - developing caring, skillful children who are equipped to continue their educational journey. We have a welcoming, happy Christian school where the importance of purposeful relationships is paramount. This is done in an inclusive, personalised, child centered, secure environment.

Working together and developing quality relationships between all stakeholders is crucial to your child's development. Indeed you and your child have the right to the highest possible standards in educational provision and pastoral care. As parents you also have a responsibility to support and guide your child through their educational journey.

I am confident that by welcoming you to Holy Trinity your commitment to your child's development in our community of learners will ensure that you and your child have a rewarding and enjoyable time at our school.

Please remember if you need any information or have any need to speak to myself please do not hesitate to contact me.


Mr M A Kenyon

Head Teacher