Holy Trinity

Church Of England VA School

01706 378061

Partner School

Our Core Values - Trust, Courage, Forgiveness, Truthfulness, Generosity, Respect, Responsibility.

As we continue our learning together; let's have a look at all of the exciting learning taking place.



We will enjoy reading 'The Day the Crayons Quit' by Drew Daywalt. This is a smart, witty, and absolutely adorable story with a touching message that emphasizes the importance of creativity, problem solving and inclusiveness. We will also read the book 'Escape from Pompeii' an amazing story about 2 children who escape the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in AD79.  We will also read the classic tale of 'The Iron Man' by Ted Hughes. Finally, we will learn all about the Romans when we look at information texts and write a report about life in roman times.  We will learn lots of new vocabulary when reading these texts and alongside our daily spelling and weekly guided reading there will something for everyone to enjoy this half term!


We will continue the year with calculating perimeter, angles and fractions. We will understand the concept of fractions by using concrete manipulatives. We will move on to recap over place value and the column addition and subtraction methods we have learnt last term.

Moving on from that we will work on time.




We will explore life in Roman Britain. We will look at the main events of the Roman Empire, learn about life as roman soldier, as well as opposition to the empire in the form of Boudicca. 



In Spring 1  we are learning all about 'Animals including Humans'

Our Learning Objectives are:

        • To identify that humans get the nutrition they need from what they eat.
        • To identify that a balanced diet is needed in order to stay healthy.
        • To investigate which foods different animals eat.
        • To carry out an investigation to find out what pets eat.
        • To explore human and animal skeletons.
        • To find out about how the skeleton supports and protects the body and to investigate how invertebrates are supported.
        • To find out what muscles are and how skeletal muscles help us to move.
        • To be able to identify and classify carnivores, herbivores and omnivores.
        • To be able to construct and interpret a variety of food chains.
        • To identify the different types of teeth in humans and identify their functions.
        • To explore different ways of keeping teeth healthy


Our Christian Value in R.E. this half term is WISDOM. We will be thinking about this at all times and discussing experiences we have. We will share how we can serve God by always believing in ourselves and others to become a good citizen. We will talk about how we can can show generosity when working and playing hard. We will discuss what it means and what qualities Jesus would like us to have in order to be a successful with this value.  

In class we will be learning:  

The main aims of this units are: How do festivals and worship show what matters to a Muslim?

Make sense of belief:
• Identify some beliefs about God in Islam, expressed in Surah 1
• Make clear links between beliefs about God and ibadah (e.g.how God is worth worshiping; how Muslims submit to God)
Understand the impact:
• Give examples of ibadah (worship) in Islam (e.g. prayer, fasting,celebrating) and describe what they involve.
• Make links between Muslim beliefs about God and a range of ways in which Muslims worship (e.g. in prayer and fasting, as a family and as a community, at home and in the mosque)
Make connections:
• Raise questions and suggest answers about the value of submission and self-control to Muslims, and whether there are benefits for people who are not Muslims
• Make links between the Muslim idea of living in harmony with the Creator and the need for all people to live in harmony with each other in the world today, giving good reasons for their ideas.


In Art we will be enjoying some sketch lessons. We will learn how to sketch flowers and create a flower using the process 'frottage' We will explore how artists use shape and textures to create their images. Another skill we will learn is shading to create tone



In Design and Technology we will be creating decorated felt pouch.

Use a cross-stitch to join two pieces of fabric together.
Design and cut the template for a pouch.
Use cross-stitch and appliqué to decorate a pouch face.
Make a pouch that includes appliqué and cross-stitch.