Holy Trinity

Church Of England VA School

01706 378061

Partner School

Our Core Values - Trust, Courage, Forgiveness, Truthfulness, Generosity, Respect, Responsibility.

As we continue our learning together in Spring 2; let's have a look at all of the exciting learning taking place.



We will enjoy reading the classic tale of 'The Iron Man' by Ted Hughes. We will explore the amazing vocabulary used and plan to write newspaper report based on the amazing events in the story. Finally, we will enjoy the story of 'The Great Paper Caper' by Oliver Jeffers. In this animal mystery children will learn new vocabulary and inference skills that they will put to good use to solve a mystery!  We will also learn lots of new punctuation and grammar skills this term such as punctuating direct speech and using adverbs bore regularly in our writing.  All this is alongside our daily spelling and weekly guided reading there will something for everyone to enjoy this half term!


We will continue the year with revising the key rules of number addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Alongside this we will revisit fractions, solving problems and exploring equivalent fractions. In our fluency sessions we will be focusing on the times tables we have not yet learnt - 7 and 9 times table.




We will explore Volcanoes with Mr Kenyon. We will look how volcanoes are created, their cross sections and where they can be found on earth.



In Spring 2  we are learning all about 'Rocks and Soil'

Our Learning Objectives are:

  • Define the term rock.
  • Describe the appearance of different rocks, identifying both crystals and grains.
  • Group rocks by their absorbency, hardness and reaction to acid rain (vinegar).
  • Use a model of the fossil record to determine the relative age of a fossil, to suggest how a living thing has changed over time and to suggest what living things were around in a certain era.
  • Research and present information on fossil formation using a single source.
  • List the different factors that break down rocks. 

    Use a magnifying glass correctly to observe the appearance of a rock in detail.

  • Use results to choose the appropriate rock type for a specific use, suggest a better choice of rock for a specific use and predict how a rock will be affected by the weather.


    Our Christian Value in R.E. this half term is HUMILITY. We will be thinking about this at all times and discussing experiences we have. We will share how we can serve God by always believing in ourselves and others to become a good citizen. We will talk about how we can can show humility when working and playing hard. We will discuss what it means and what qualities Jesus would like us to have in order to be a successful with this value.  

    In class we will be learning:  How do festivals and family life show what matters to Jews?

    Make sense of belief:
    • Identify some Jewish beliefs about God, sin and forgiveness and describe what they mean
    • Make clear links between the story of the Exodus and Jewish beliefs about God and his relationship with the Jewish people
    • Offer informed suggestions about the meaning of the Exodus story for Jews today
    Understand the impact:
    • Make simple links between Jewish beliefs about God and his people and how Jews live (e.g. through celebrating forgiveness, salvation and freedom at festivals)
    • Describe how Jews show their beliefs through worship in festivals, both at home and in wider communities
    Make connections:
    Raise questions and suggest answers about whether it is good for Jews and everyone else to remember the past and look forward to the future
    • Make links with the value of personal reflection, saying sorry, being forgiven, being grateful, seeking freedom and justice in the world today, including pupils’ own lives, and giving good reasons for their ideas.


    In Art we will be enjoying some cross curricular art projects such as sketching a Roman Soldier and making our own Roman mosaics.



    In Design and Technology we will be creating our own Roman Shield. Learning design, decoration as well as construction skills.


    This term's work is linked to the class topic on The Romans the children will: 

    • listen to a variety of musical styles  
    • play and perform in solo and in ensembles, using their voices and playing musical instruments with increasing accuracy, fluency, control and expression 
    • compose and perform with attention to rhythm, pitch, timbre, dynamics, tempo, legato/staccato 
    • produce graphic scores 
    • evaluate the music listened to as well as the music they have produced 





    Scratch and Music

    Use sequences in Scratch to create a program which simulates a musical instrument



    WE ARE LEARNING TO: Forgive and why it is important.

    About the effects of saying sorry.

    Can the children explain the impact of forgiveness on Boris’ heart?
    How do the children describe forgiveness?

    Think about and describe the difference between forgiving and not.

    Can the children describe how an apology can help mend a situation?

    We need to let go of hurt.
    Can the children talk about ways holding on to hurt can make us sad?

    How to build trust between friends.
    About the effects of a betrayal of trust.
    Can the children list ways to build trust between friends?

    Recognise and challenge stereotypes.
    Can the children recognise where they have made stereotypical assumptions?