Swimming Excellence
It has always been our intent to offer a comprehensive package of aquatic opportunities for our students starting in Year 3 and ending in regional or national competitions .The Intent is for highly skilled,fit,competent and confident young people.
Swimming lessons start in Year3 and continue in Year 4.This is provided by Calderdale swimming services at Todmorden Pool.Children who show potential are invited into the swimming development programme which involves pupils from Year 4 ,5 and 6.these pupils attend a weekly training session with Mr Kenyon who is a qualifiedswimming teacher,coach and RLSS trainer Assessor.
Year 6 children are also traaained at CPR and First Aid and undertake national RLSS qualifications.
IMPACT of The Swimming Development Programme.
Y6 Results 2020-21
94% can swim 25m confidently and proficiently using a range of strokes.
89% Can perform a safe self rescue.
We have confident ,fit and excellent swimmers which impacts on fitness,mental health and general confidence and wellbeing