General Class Information
Welcome to our class information page. Here you will find all the relevant information for our class routines, helpful websites and any necessary links for home learning.
This year, our year 1 class teacher is Mrs Collier and Mrs Fenton will be in class too.
- PE will be taught by: Mrs Collier on a Tuesday and Mr. Crawshaw on a Thursday. Your child will need their PE kit to get changed into on both of these days. Please continue to support your children to become more confident getting dressed and changed independently.
- Music will be taught by Mrs Kenyon on a Wednesday.
- Mrs. Bester will teach computing on a Tuesday.
Our Class Timetable
Monday - Book bags checked and Rhino Readers reading books sent home/changed -- Spelling Books sent home
Tuesday -
Wednesday - Homework due in
Thursday - P.E. with Mr Crawshaw (Please wear PE kit) -- Book bags checked and a shared reading book sent home/changed
Friday - Homework sent home -- Spelling Books due in
Key Information
Please ensure that children come to school with their book bags and reading records every day.
Year 1 children have two PE session a week; Tuesday and Thursday. Children are able to attend school wearing their PE kits on these days. Please ensure that every piece of uniform and PE kit is clearly labelled with your child's name.
For specific news and events, please see our 'Current Information' page, our class Seesaw App or our school Facebook page.
Homework and Spellings
Homework will be sent home on a Friday to be completed and handed in by the following Wednesday. Over the first term, homework will primarily be Learning Log based which will focus around our class topics or any special events which may be happening within our school community, local area or nationally. Our tradition Learning Log books will still be sent home but there will also be the option to replicate this homework on our Seesaw Class App. It is a choice whether you wish to complete the homework in the book or online, but all books must be returned to school by the deadline day.
A little blue spelling book will also be sent home. This will contain the spellings which children will need to learn over the course of the week. These words will all be focussed on the sound of the week (Level 5) which the class will be learning about in their phonics lessons. These words will then be tested, formally, on a Friday.
Seesaw App
Throughout your child's time in Year 1, some of our homework will continued to be set online. We will be using an app called SEESAW. For this, your child will need access to a digital device.
We will also be uploading pictures during the school day of the fun and exciting learning which your child will be part of for you to access too. Seesaw is an online learning platform which we use across KS1. On this app, you will be able to complete homework set, add in any observations from home and also for you, as parents, to have a browse at what we get up to. To log in to the app, after it has been downloaded, you just scan the class QR code and choose your child's name.
We are moving over to a reading scheme called Rhino Readers. Our Rhino Readers reading books will be changed once a week, on a Monday. Your child's book must be in school every single day.
Staff in Year 1 will also be reading with your child in school several times a week. We will focus on home reading books during 1:1 reading sessions, but we may also listen to your child reading in group guided reading sessions, in whole class phonics lessons or in whole class literacy lessons.
We would like to encourage you at home to read with your child at least four times a week. This can be their school book, a bedtime story, any other story they might like or could even be your shopping list when doing the weekly shop!
We will also be sending home a shared reading book, which will be matched to their current phonics level and this will be sent home and changed on a Thursday. We understand that this is different to last year's routines and we would like to thank you in advance for your support while we change over to the new reading scheme.
Phonics is a way of teaching children to read and write by blending and segmenting individual sounds. Every letter and different combinations of letters make particular sounds for example the letter ‘s’ makes a hissing like a snake sound. At Holy Trinity, we follow the Twinkl Phonics Scheme, which has been approved by the DfE as a validated scheme.
We begin our phonics journey by recapping Levels 2, 3 and 4, to blow away any cobwebs which may have formed over the summer break. Once we are settled into the school year we will then begin progressing through Level 5 in preparation for the Phonics Screening Check which will take place in June 2024. For this, we will also be reading a mixture of real and nonsense (alien) words to help embed those early reading skills which the children possess.