Holy Trinity

Church Of England VA School

01706 378061

Partner School

Our Core Values - Trust, Courage, Forgiveness, Truthfulness, Generosity, Respect, Responsibility.

Our aim at Holy Trinity Primary School is to enable pupils to become creative and reflective learners who are able to express themselves fluently and confidently in a variety of different ways. Within the curriculum, Art will clearly contribute towards this, enabling pupils to respond thoughtfully to different learning and stimuli. Our artists should be able to develop their cultural understanding in a range of contexts, Art being one of them. We also want our pupils to understand that the perseverance and attentiveness needed to complete an Art and Design project leads to personal pride and gratification.

At Holy Trinity, we aim to provide children with the basic skills they need to create a wide range of art work and build upon these skills as they progress through school in areas such as drawing, painting, sculpture and designing too. 

Curriculum Overview ...


 ART Impact statement 2023.docxDownload
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Policy and Progression of Skills

 Art & Design Progression Of Skills.pdfDownload
 ART AND DESIGN POLICY 2023.docDownload
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Art Gallery

2024 - 2025

Year 6 Art and Design


Painting & mixed media: Artist study -Paula Rego

'The Dance'

Year 6 doing a beautiful job with their 'Symbolic imagery' from unit Make my voice heard.

Year 5 Art and Design

Year 5 enjoying learning about the colourful work of

'Friedensreich Hundertwasser' from unit Architecture.

Art Gallery 

2023 - 2024

Year 6 Art and Design 

Year 6 have made a great start to their drawing unit of work - ‘Make My Voice’

Year 3 Art and Design 

Lovely work from Year 3 in their drawing unit -

‘Growing Artists’

Year 1 Art and Design 

Great start from Year 1 in their craft and design unit - ‘Woven Wonders’

EYFS Art and Design 

Marvellous work from EYFS in their drawing unit - ‘Marvellous Me’

Art Gallery

2022 - 2023

Year 1 - Portrait Frames

Year 2 - Stephen Brown shaded island animals and treasure maps