Holy Trinity

Church Of England VA School

01706 378061

Partner School

Our Core Values - Trust, Courage, Forgiveness, Truthfulness, Generosity, Respect, Responsibility.

What is going on in Reception?

Over the course of the school year, we will be adding some useful information to this page. You can find all the information you need, below, regarding our current learning within school this term and it may also include some handy tips and tricks to help your child at home or may be some useful websites for learning, related to our topics in class. Our topics do also try to follow the children's interests, so what you may be reading here is what Miss Ingham planned to teach, but curiosity may get the better of us and lead us down a different road!


In Literacy during the Spring term we will be continuing our hard work from the Autumn Term and will be developing our reading skills a little bit more. We will be introducing Guided Reading in very small groups, to help children to develop their comprehension skills and also their speaking and listening. We will also be encouraging their word reading, building on their already amazing phonics knowldege. We will also continue to be developing out writing skills, ensuring there are many opportunities in our writing area for children to complete independent pieces of either cvc words, or beginning to build up their sentences. We have already introduced full stops and finger spaces into our writing and so now, we will introduce capital letters this term. 

The books which we will be reading, will be a variety of picture books which include, but are not limited to, The Very Hungry Caterpillar, Dear Zoo, The Stories of Paddington Bear, Jack and the Beanstalk and Goldilocks and the Three Bears.



We will begin the Spring Term by moving on to the vowel digraphs and trigraphs, following the Twinkl Phonics Scheme, which has been approved by the DfE as a validated scheme. We will focus on four sounds over a week looking at the letters, how they are formed and also the sounds they make. As we move through the scheme, we will then be looking at continuing to segment and blend these phonemes in order to strengthen our reading of CVC and CVCC words. We will also have a focus on writing using the phonemes we have been taught, as well as all Level 2 and 3 tricky words.



In Maths, we will continue our Power Maths journey by introducing the notion of addition (we will start with numbers within 5 before looking at numbers within 10). We will also be looking at our spatial awareness and then also trying our at hand at measuring objects (length, height and weight).



For the Spring term, our focus questions in RE will be Which stories are special and why? and Why is Easter special to Christians? We will be reading many stories from The Bible including David and Goliath and the Parable of the Two Sons. We will be exploring why these stories are special and what messages they are trying to tell. We will then move on to exploring the Christian celebration of Easter and reading the Easter story. We will then celebrate with the rest of the school at our Easter Service. 


Our Christian Value for Spring One is WISDOM. We will be exploring what it means to be wise and looking at a short story about a Wise Old Owl.

Understanding the World

This term our two chosen topics are 'All Creatures Great and Small' and 'Kings, Queens, Knights and Dragons'.

For All Creatures Great and Small, we will begin by looking at life cycles of animals as well as comparing animal habitats and what they need to be able to survive. We will also be looking at which animals need to hibernate and why and which animals don't and how they prepare themselves for winter. We will also be exploring the story of Chinese New Year and researching the animals who made it across the river.

After the half term break, when we change topics, we want to look at and identify lots of differences between life now and in the past. We will also explore the concept of Kings and Queens identifying links from history to modern day. Last year, was a very monumental year for Britain and so we will be looking at King Charles III, his coronation and what is next for him, as well as remembering the late Queen Elizabeth II. We will also be heading out on our first (BIG) school trip! We will be visiting Hoghton Tower in Preston and will be exploring the castle, the grounds and will even be dressing up as real-life knights!