Class of Year 1 2022-23
We loved our first painting session in Year 1. As we are learning about plants, trees and the seasons in Science we have painted lovely autumn trees. Some of us painted a summer tree to show the difference between the two seasons.
In Science we are learning all about plants, trees and the seasons. We are growing some bean seeds in different conditions to see what plants need to grow. We are giving some seeds light and water, just light but no water, just water but no light, no water and no light. We have predicted which ones will grow and what the others might look like. We also thought about whether a seed would grow in sand and in just water so we have set these experiments up too. We have put a bean and some cress seeds on cotton wool to see if seeds always need soil to grow in.
We have been extremely busy in Maths learning about numbers to 20. We have been counting, matching, ordering, partitioning numbers from 11-20 into 10's and ones using cubes and the dienes apparatus. We have been adding 2 numbers together using the part whole model, cubes, our fingers and pictures. Everyday we count forwards and back from 30. Some days we even count to 100!! We are also learning to read the words for the numbers too.
In Literacy we have been listening to The Gruffalo and Zog by Julia Donaldson. We are learning about the sequence of a story and how to use adjectives to describe a character. We are learning to form our letters more accurately and writing on the line. We are remembering to leave finger spaces and learning to use capital letters at the beginning of a sentence and a full stop at the end. We are revising Phase 3 and Phase 4 in Phonics, ready to start with Phase 5 after half term.