Holy Trinity

Church Of England VA School

01706 378061

Partner School

Our Core Values - Trust, Courage, Forgiveness, Truthfulness, Generosity, Respect, Responsibility.

General Class Information 

Weekly Timetable 

Here are important things to remember each week: (Any changes to our weekly timetable will always be shared with parents via our text message system)

Class timetable Autumn 

Your child will bring their PE kit into school every Monday and Friday this half term. Please practice getting changed yourself at home!

Monday – your child will bring home their Rhino Reader Phonics book for the week – aim to read this book with your child at least 3 times in the week to ensure we can change your book the following week.

New spellings will be sent home in your child's green Spelling book each Monday.

Thursday – your child will bring home an additional reading book matched to their current Phonics and reading level of learning – aim to read this book a few times over the weekend with your child!

Weekly Spelling tests will be every Friday.

Monday  - PE with Mr Crawshaw.

Friday – children will choose and bring home a book to enjoy with their families from our KS1 and class libraries. Please return this book the following Friday.

Homework will be sent home every Friday and due in the following Wednesday.

Friday - PE with Mrs Gillett.

This year, we will be begin learning British Sign Language as a class. Check out the British Sign Language website here:





This year these are the staff that will be working with your children either in class, or extra sessions in intervention groups:









 Homework will be sent home on a Friday to be handed in by the following week.  Homework will alternate between learning logs and English/maths homework. English and maths will focus on the week's learning and learning logs will have a focus around our topics or any special events which may be happening within our community or nationally.


We will still be sending home the traditional learning log books but we will also be replicating this homework on the Seesaw app. It is a choice whether you wish to complete the homework in the book or online. Every child has been given a QR code and can be accessed through the Seesaw CLASS app. This homework will be in addition to spellings. We may also send home some extra phonics work from time to time and later in the year we will begin to send home times tables to learn.


New spellings will be sent home on a Monday ready for our spelling test on a Friday. Our spelling words will link with the sounds we have learnt in phonics during that week. Please help your children to learn their spellings at home too. Also, please make sure you send the little green book back into school every Monday to allow the children to be able to write their new spellings into them, ready to practice at home! Each week, a new video will be updated to help your child practice their spellings at home in the Super Spellers playlist on my YouTube Channel 'Mrs G's Little Lessons', which can be found here:

Regular uploads to help you learn at home focusing on maths skills as well as reading skills will also be updated to my channel - why not have a go at some of these online little lessons too?




Year 2 Knowledge Organisers

Check out our maths, Science and Geography knowledge organiser to find out all the fantastic work we will be doing. The Maths Knowledge organiser are for the whole year, whilst the Science and Geography ones are matched to this half term's work.

 Animals Including Humans Knowledge Organiser.pdfDownload
 What a Wonderful World - Super Eco Colour.pdfDownload
 Year 2 Addition and Subtraction Knowledge Organiser.pdfDownload
 Year 2 Fractions Knowledge Organiser.pdfDownload
 Year 2 Length and Height Knowledge Organiser.pdfDownload
 Year 2 Mass Capacity and Temperature Knowledge Organiser.pdfDownload
 Year 2 Money Knowledge Organiser.pdfDownload
 Year 2 Multiplication and Division Knowledge Organiser.pdfDownload
 Year 2 Position and Direction Knowledge Organiser.pdfDownload
 Year 2 Properties of Shape Knowledge Organiser.pdfDownload
Showing 1-10 of 12



Practice your phonics and have some fun? Why not visit this fabulous website:




Also check out this wonder Phonics Website which has lots of lessons and helpful videos to follow our sequence of teaching the Phonics Phases. 





The BBC have launched 3 hours of daily school programmes, have a look if you want: https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/genres/learning/primary/all







 Love Geography in general? Why not check out the GoJetters and write me a report or present it on Seesaw to show me what you have learnt:

BBC iPlayer - Go Jetters




Do you love Science? Check out this website and have a go at some of the materials experiments - I would love to see photographs or videos of your results!

Materials KS1 Experiments (science-sparks.com)


 Love Music? Visit this website and have a go at this activity:




 Want to do some extra work on your reading at home? Ask your parents to visit Reading Eggs and sign up for a free 30 day trial:


Coronavirus (COVID-19) - Free Access for 30 Days – Reading Eggs


Also, check out these websites for free ebooks if you want to do lots of extra reading:

Free eBook library – practise reading with phonics eBooks | Oxford Owl

School closures: free online learning resources | Oxford Owl

Need Help? Start Here (twinkl.co.uk)

5 to 8 | National Literacy Trust


You can also email me at: Ngillett@holytrinityce.rochdale.sch.uk 


if you need anything at all and don't forget I will be able to catch up with you and provide you with feedback on your work via the Seesaw app too! 


You can also continue to practice counting in 10s, 5s and 2s by visiting this website:

Multiplication and Division Games for KS1 Children (topmarks.co.uk)

 There are also some multiplication practices and by the end of Y2, we need to know x10, x5, x2 and x3 facts off by heart, the best way to do is this practice, practice, practice and search for fun songs on YouTube that may help those number facts stick in your head.




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