Holy Trinity

Church Of England VA School

01706 378061

Partner School

Our Core Values - Trust, Courage, Forgiveness, Truthfulness, Generosity, Respect, Responsibility.




P.E. will be on a Monday and Thursday afternoon. During the colder months, children should bring joggers and a hoodie as most lessons will take place outside (unless there is a torrential downpour).

P.E. kits should be brought into school Monday morning and taken home Thursday night - to be washed. 





Homework is an essential part to children's on-going learning. It is therefore very important that they complete their homework on time.

Any homework set is always linked to a subject that the class have covered in the previous week and is given to help the children further consolidate their understanding and deepen their knowledge.

Weekly spellings are given on a Friday followed by a test on the following Friday.

Maths/English is set on a Wednesday - to be completed by the following Wednesday morning. 

If your child struggles with any aspect of their homework please let me know as soon as possible - they will be given help in school to complete it.

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Any other problems that may occur whilst your child is in Year 6, please do not hesitate to email the office who will forward this information on to myself. I will always respond to them and do my very best to help.
