Staff working with Year 6:
Miss Lock- Class Teacher
Mrs VanDuivenvoode - RE, Humanities, in class and Groups
Señorita Andrea - Spanish
Mrs Kenyon - Music
Mrs Muncaster - PSHCE, Art and Design & Technology
Mrs Hilton - In class and Groups
Mrs Bester - Computing
Mr Crawshaw - PE
In Maths, this Spring Term, we will be continuing in concentrating on developing our arithmetic skills by focusing on place value, the four rules of number, fractions, decimals and percentage. We will also start covering new parts of the curriculum to help with the reasoning parts of the papers. These will include: Fraction, decimal and percentage equivalents, 3D and 2D shapes and their properties, Angles ,Coordinates, translation and reflection, algebra, ratio and proportion, graphs and pie charts and area and perimeter.
Please make sure that you practise these skills at home by completing the homework set on MyMaths and always ask if you need any additional support. We are here to always help you!
In our English lessons we will be looking at how to efficiently answer comprehension questions - in particular using our inference, literal and deduction skills. We will also be developing our Year 6 writing skills, writing stories, diaries, letters etc. During the Spring Term, our writing lessons will be based on the story Private Peaceful by Michael Morpurgo.
Reading - It is hoped that your child will automatically choose to read on a daily basis. They will be expected to read at home at least four times per week, for a period of 20 minutes. Some children may be asked to do reading/SPAG activities that are part of the Lexia Program.
During Spring 1 we will be exploring the topic of: Evolution and Inheritance.
Pupils will be able to:
- Define and identify variation in organisms and recall that it is caused by inherited and environmental factors.
- Recall that living things produce offspring of the same kind but are not normally identical to their parents.
- Describe patterns of inheritance from parent to offspring in a given example or family tree.
- Describe what an adaptation is; it cannot be chosen and is usually inherited.
- Describe key characteristics that would help an organism to survive and explain how an adaptation helps the organism to survive.
- Explain how variation may affect survival within a population and recall what natural selection means.
- Recall what evolution is, identify differences between a living thing and its ancestor and describe key steps in the evolution of a species.
- Recall different types of evidence that can be used to explain evolution and describe methods that make scientists’ results or conclusions more trustworthy.
When working scientifically, pupils will be able to:
- Sort variation as environmental, inherited or a mixture of both.
- Evaluate a method by recalling variables that were effectively kept the same and those that were harder to control.
- Comment on the reliability of the results and the degree of trust.
- Consider how evidence is used to form theories and the degree of trust the evidence offers.
What is Reciprocal Reading?
Reciprocal Reading is an innovative and powerful classroom strategy that engages children and promotes enhanced comprehension and interactive learning. Reciprocal Reading is designed to enhance comprehension in the classroom by enabling children to take on a more active role in discussing their texts, usually in small group reading sessions. Pupils also learn teamwork, negotiation, listening and collaborative skills; all of which are essential skills.
There are 4 comprehension strategies:
- Predict: What are we going to read about in the next section? (Who, what, why, where, when, how?)
- Clarify: Which words and phrases do we need to find the meaning of?
- Question: Can we ask questions to help us learn more about this text?
- Summarise: What are the main ideas of the text / this section?
In each session, children take on the four roles and see these images:
Questioner, Predictor, Summariser, Clarifier

In Year 6, your child will practise all the spellings from the Year 5 and 6 statutory lists. Your child should by now be secure with spelling words they learnt in the previous years at primary school. This is to prepare them for their spelling test as part of their SPaG (Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar) SAT. Spellings are also a crucial element when your child's independent writing is assessed.
Wider Learning
Our Christian value this half term is ... Wisdom
This term, in Year 6, we will be learning about the importance of being wise. The children will look at ways they can be wise and the impact it can have upon themselves and others.
In class we will be focussing on Christianity and exploring the question:
Why do Hindu's try to be good?
Make sense of belief:
• Identify and explain Hindu beliefs, e.g. dharma, karma,
samsara, moksha, using technical terms accurately
• Give meanings for the story of the man in the well and explain
how it relates to Hindu beliefs about samsara, moksha, etc.
Understand the impact:
• Make clear connections between Hindu beliefs about dharma,
karma, samsara and moksha and ways in which Hindus live
• Connect the four Hindu aims of life and the four stages of life
with beliefs about dharma, karma, moksha, etc.
• Give evidence and examples to show how Hindus put their
beliefs into practice in different ways
Make connections:
• Make connections between Hindu beliefs studied (e.g. karma
and dharma), and explain how and why they are important to
• Reflect on and articulate what impact belief in karma and
dharma might have on individuals and the world, recognising
different points of view.
Young minds is a brilliant website to make sure that you keep your mind healthy! Click on the picture above to find out more.
We can all help one another by listening, sharing our problems and being there for one another!
What are SATs?
The Standard Assessment Tests (otherwise known as SATs) check your child’s knowledge of the National Curriculum. The tests are compulsory for Year 6 students and they’re used to assess your child against age-related expectations.
Please read the information booklet below!
Essential Resources to help you in year 6!
Please use the following as a revision resource to help with your SAT's preparation.