Welcome Year 4!!
Your teachers
Your new teacher will be Mrs Payne.
Your Teaching assistant will be Mrs Bester on a Monday morning, Mrs Van D and Mrs Muncaster - Monday afternoon.
Your teaching volunteers will be Mrs Nicholls and Mrs Waterhouse - who between them offer a wealth of superb teaching expertise!
Your Spanish lessons will be lead by Senorita Andrea.
Your Music lessons will be lead by Mrs Kenyon.
Your Computing lessons will be lead by Mrs Bester.
Weekly overview (What to bring and take home)
Please bring in your book bag and water bottle every day.
Monday - P.E. with Mr Crawshaw
- spellings (practice every night) Test on Friday!
Wednesday – Hand in completed homework online or on paper.
Friday – P.E. with Mrs. Payne - please leave your kit in school and take home every half term for a wash!
- Maths and English Homework - given out to be completed by the following Wednesday.
READING PRACTICE with an ADULT - at least 3 times a week!
In Year 4, it is very important that your reading and homework is completed on time.
- Spellings will be given out on a Monday and tested the following Friday.
- English and Maths homework is given out on a Friday and needs to be completed by the following Wednesday.
Reading books are changed twice a week depending on which days your child is allocated. If you require 2 reading books please write this in your child's reading record.
Homework teaches our pupils to work independently and take responsibility of their own learning. We encourage all parents to have an active role in their child's education through homework which in turn will give you an insight into your child's learning and progress.
.Children will be given English and Maths homework every week This will always be something we have already covered in class from a previous week and so your child should be able to complete this independently. If for any reason your child is unable to complete their homework or does not understand it, please let me know by Monday. I will always take the time to go through any misconceptions they may have with their work.
We expect the children in Year 4 to read a minimum of 4 times a week. Reading is so important as it builds self-esteem, vocabulary and feeds the imagination! This only needs to be a handful of paragraphs with some questions asked about their understanding of the text. Reading must be recorded your child's reading record and handed in at school.
Please make sure your child brings their PE kit into school on the first day of each half term where it can be kept in their lockers. For this term, children will be doing P.E. on a Monday and Friday. Some of our P.E. lessons will take place outside so please provide your child with an outdoor kit as well as their indoor one.
Times Tables
This year it is VERY important to learn your timetables as you will have a test at the end of the year. The multiplication tables check will test Year 4 pupils ability to recall times tables up to and including the 12 times table as well as assess pupils precision and fluency.
Online Learning
Here are the current learning activities.
Extra English Links
Conjunction interactive word search
Want to do some extra work on your reading at home? Ask your parents to visit Reading Eggs and sign up for a free 30 day trial:
Free eBook library – practise reading with phonics eBooks | Oxford Owl
Extra Reading Links
Read through or listen to the story of The Girl Who Stole An Elephant by Nizrana Farook.