Holy Trinity

Church Of England VA School

01706 378061

Partner School

Our Core Values - Trust, Courage, Forgiveness, Truthfulness, Generosity, Respect, Responsibility.

Class Page | Lytham Church of England Primary School

In Reception our teacher is called Miss Ingham.

We also work with Mrs Marsden, Miss Jenkins and Mrs Fenton, who will be our teaching assistants this year.

We are also very fortunate to be working with Miss Casey. Miss Casey is a Manchester Metropolitan University BA Ed Student, in her final year. Miss Casey will be in our classroom from Monday 11th November until Friday 14th February.

We have two specialist teachers too, Mrs Bester and Mr Crawshaw.

On a Wednesday morning and Mrs Bester will lead our learning in Expressive Arts & Design and Computing and will greet us at the door, welcoming us into our classroom on this day. 

For PE we have Mr Crawshaw (Thursday).

Our Class Timetable

Monday - All book bags checked for any messages -- All Rhino Readers reading books sent home/changed -- Spelling Books sent home

Tuesday - All book bags checked for any messages

Wednesday -  Homework due in -- All book bags checked for any messages

Thursday - P.E. with Mr Crawshaw  -- Homework sent home -- All book bags checked for any messages

Friday -  Spelling Books due in -- All book bags checked for any messages

Key Information


Please ensure that children come to school with their book bags and reading records every day.

Reception children have one PE session a week. We are now getting changed for PE in school. We will begin the year by just taking our jumpers off, progressing through each item of clothing until we are fully changed. If possible, please send in your girls wearing socks on not tights on their PE day (Thursday). 

For specific news and events, please see our 'Current Information' page, our class Seesaw App or our school Facebook page. 


Homework and Spellings & Sounds

Homework will be sent home on a Thursday to be completed and handed in by the following Wednesday. Over the first term, homework will primarily be Learning Log based which will focus around our class topics or any special events which may be happening within our school community, local area or nationally. Our tradition Learning Log books will still be sent home but there will also be the option to replicate this homework on our Seesaw Class App. It is a choice whether you wish to complete the homework in the book or online, but all books must be returned to school by the deadline day.


On a Monday, a little sound/spelling book will be sent home. At the start of the year, in this book you can find the sounds and flashcards which your child will be learning the following week. We would like to encourage you to practice saying these sounds, spotting these sounds around the environment and also practice letter formation. You could also begin to practice sound talking words which may contain these sounds (e.g. sat, pat, tap etc.).

As we progress through the year, we will then expect the children to learn the spellings in the book ready for a spelling test on the Friday.

This book must be returned to school in your child's book bag on a Friday so we can prepare the sounds/words for the following week. 


Seesaw App

Throughout your child's time in Reception, a lot of our homework will be set online. We will be using an app called SEESAW. For this, your child will need access to a digital device.

We will also be uploading pictures during the school day of the fun and exciting learning which your child will be part of for you to access too. Seesaw is an online learning platform which we use across KS1. On this app, you will be able to complete homework set, add in any observations from home and also for you, as parents, to have a browse at what we get up to. To log in to the app, after it has been downloaded, you just scan the class QR code and choose your child's name.



Our Rhino Readers reading books will be changed once a week on a Thursday. Your child's book must be in school every single day. 

Miss Ingham and the other members of the Reception Team will also be reading with your child in school several times a week. We will focus on home reading books during 1:1 reading sessions, but we may also listen to your child reading in group guided reading sessions, in whole class phonics lessons or in whole class literacy lessons.

We would like to encourage you at home to read with your child at least four times a week. This can be their school book, a bedtime story, any other story they might like or could even be your shopping list when doing the weekly shop! 

We will also be sending home a shared reading book with some children from the Summer Term, which will be matched to their current phonics level and this will be sent home and changed on a Thursday.



Phonics is a way of teaching children to read and write by blending and segmenting individual sounds. Every letter and different combinations of letters make particular sounds for example the letter ‘s’ makes a hissing like a snake sound. At Holy Trinity, we follow the Twinkl Phonics Scheme, which has been approved by the DfE as a validated scheme. 

We begin our phonics journey by looking at Phase 1, which many children will have been exposed to in their nursery settings. Once we are settled into the school year we will then begin progressing through the phases from Level 2 (Phase 2) to Level 3 (Phase 3) and finally, ending the year by teaching Level 4 (Phase 4). 

Further information and resources regarding our chosen phonics scheme can be found here;

Showing 1-2 of 2
 Level 2 Soundmat.pdfDownload
 Level 3 Soundmat.pdfDownload
Showing 1-2 of 2

Spellings & Sounds

Please find below all of our spellings for SPRING 1.